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    COVID-19 Resources & Updates

    Member Resources

    Searchable Member Directory: Need help finding a trusted business? Search our member directory by company name, keyword search, industry, employee size or zip code.

    Trusted Community Partnerships: We’ve formed partnerships with trusted organizations to help you get more value from your membership. These organizations include; The Downtown Walla Walla Foundation, Visit Walla Walla, Walla Walla Wine Alliance, City of Walla Walla and Walla Walla County.

    Industry-Specific Resources: We know that each industry has its own needs and interests. We pull together industry-specific topics and resources to help your business.

    Small Business Resources: We work closely with the SBDC and offer the latest resources and information to help your small business thrive in the Walla Walla Valley.

    Promotional ResourcesWe offer many ways for members to promote their business and gain exposure. If you are a Chamber member, you have access to tools that help your business get information out to the community in an efficient way.

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